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If you boil everything down that we are trying to accomplish at Elm City Church, it would be to equip people to Love God, Love Others, and Make Disciples. That is the essence of the Christian life. We define a disciple as someone who is “intentionally following Jesus, becoming more like Jesus, and is practicing the way of Jesus with others on mission.” Everything about Elm City Partnership is geared towards helping you step into this way of life.


How to become a parter:


Step 1: review the documents.


Partners should review all of the documents including our Explanation of Partnership, Mission, Vision, & Valuesand Statement of Faith.



Step 2: Attend the meeting.


Attend a Partnership Orientation Meeting to hear more about the process of becoming a Partner.



Step 3: Fill out the form.


After reviewing the documents and attending the Partnership Orientation Meeting, you will be sent a Partnership Affirmation Form along with a Partnership Covenant to review.



Step 4: Schedule an interview.


After submitting the Partnership Affirmation Form, we will schedule a follow-up interview. This interview may be with a pastor or Life Group Leader and is designed to confirm your Partnership with Elm City Church.


Already a partner? Visit our PARTNERS PAGE

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